
Saturday, November 13, 2004


What a useless morning!

Last night, feeling curious and adventurous, I decided in install a counter on my blog. I looked through the listings on the blogspot help page, selected a meter which offered a great multitude of information (for free of course - though no idea why I need to know all that or how I’ll use the information) and spent the bulk of the evening setting it up.

It worked. After a couple of false starts (of course - if there’s a way to mess up a simple process like this, I’m sure to find it), the meter appeared on my site and within minutes tracked three page-views. Good.

This morning when I checked the counter (counter’s web site statistics page) - it hadn’t changed. And when I clicked into my blog from my husband’s computer (visits from my computer don’t count), then out, then in again, and went to check the counter on the page of my blog - the counter had disappeared!

Predictably (for me), figuring out the reason behind this puzzling behavior and trying to fix it has become my morning’s crusade. Two hours later I’m still without a counter, quickly coming to the conclusion, maybe I’m not meant to count my customers, and wondering, on the day I must account for all I’ve been given, hours and minutes included, what WILL I say to God about this morning?

(HA! it finally worked when I tried someone else - maybe this was really a lesson in perseverance.)


Kim said...

I have yet to put a counter on my blog just in case I start getting obsessed about numbers. Good for you for figuring it out! I usually have to call my husband for technical guidance.

Violet N. said...

Yes, so pleased I got it. Actually, had a note back from tech support of the first counter I tried - and the problem wasn't with me, but with a server somewhere. I say, when you're dealing with someone as tech-uptight as I am, please, don't add more incompetence into the mix!

You've got a point about obsessing on the numbers thing, though. But if you decide to install one, the Bravenet one I got is very easy,

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