
Sunday, April 24, 2005

the plowman

God is plowing my spirit
breaking with His Word
through turf of actions
churning it over
to deep motivations
bare and uncovered
furrows laid open
before my own eyes

Mine is a stony patch
lumpy with pebbles
life-habits of thinking
established reactions
plow clangs out warning
when stones hit the plowshare

Then God stops His plowing
takes out unrelenting
shovel of living
methodically patiently
loosens the dirt
proceeds to uncover
not pebbles but boulders
that must be removed

I’m bruised and disquieted
torn wide apart
a field He’s preparing
for purposes
higher than mine

– V. Nesdoly (from Calendar © 2004)


Callmeteem posts a thoughtful poem for Sunday consideration: "I Stand by the Door: An Apologia for my Life" by Sam Shoemaker.


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