
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

who's your audience?

I am reading a wonderful and challenging book called The Call – Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of your Life by Os Guinness. As someone who is endlessly fascinated by the idea of destiny, I’m discovering many places where this book scratches my itch.

In Chapter 9 Mr. Guinness, in a few words, articulates a mind set that I suspect if entered into would make one impervious to the peer pressure and sense of alienation followers of Jesus so often feel in the world of 2006:

A life lived listening to the decisive call of God is a life lived before one audience that trumps all others – the Audience of One.”

And the sum-up statement of that chapter nails it yet again:

Do you wish to be inner-directed rather than other-directed and truly make one audience decisive, the Audience of One? Listen to Jesus of Nazareth; answer his call.


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